The journey begins...

The start of my journey began at the Las Vegas airport. I was sitting waiting for my plane when Louie Anderson the comedian, asked me if anyone was sitting in the space across from me. I said nope…all yours. And then he proceeded to talk to me for awhile. He is as funny in person as he is on stage. Very quick witted. While we were sitting there he got a phone call and was on that call when a lady came up to him with her camera and started talking to him. She didn’t even care that he was on the phone. He told whomever he was talking to to hold on and than the lady asked me to take a picture of them together. I looked at him for the nod of approval which he gave to me with a smile. What a nice guy. He then talked to me a little while longer and then proceeded to get on the airplane. Of course he was in First Class and me….I was at the end….last class…LOL As I got on the plane and past him in his seat, he yelled back to me….have a great time in Turkey… I knew it was going to be the start of a good trip. And no I didn’t ask him if I could take my picture with him. I so didn’t want to be like that other lady…
So next, I landed in New York City and our plane was early. Excellent….see…good things just keep coming. Ed took me out to a nice Italian restaurant. We had a nice conversation and a wonderful dinner. The next day, he drove me around NYC, showing me different parts of the City. It’s such an exciting city. I just love the buildings and such. I could have taken a zillion pictures of all the buildings and windows. I think I need to try and incorporate them into my art somehow. Maybe someday soon. Then it was time to take me back to the airport to get on my plane to Turkey….A 10 hour flight….
to be continued....


Deirdra Doan said…
Oh what a magical trip!!! Turkey is a dream I want to fulfill someday...please post lots of photos. Nice to meet you on owoh.