What I Just Read

I just read this book this past weekend. Have you ever read a book and just felt like it was just for you? That you were meant to read it? That is how I felt about this book. I know it's been out for a long time now, but everything in it was so relevant to me. I love how she is so honest with her feelings and writing her fears. How she questions things in life. She is brave... One of the things she wrote was this...

I'm afraid to show you who I really am, because if I show you who I really am, you might not like it---and that's all I've got.

Isn't that one of our biggest fears? Rejection? Especially as artists. We depend on people liking our work and liking us. I know that is the way I feel... So...I have decided that I am going to start "Spilling Open"...and learn the art of becoming me... Showing my true self...doubts, quirks, insecurities, strength, humor, contradictions and all...


Anonymous said…
ok, so how do you do that? "Start Spilling Open"

Kerri Jean said…
I loved this book - and yes, that is our biggest fear, as artists, and simply as people hoping to be loved and accepted. But if we're not loved for who we are, it's for nothing so we do have to be brave!!
HappyDayArt! said…
Hey, I thought you were already doing that. It is nice to say it with your words though.