For the last 3 days I have been sick...flu or no pictures...unless you want to see me in my pj's....what a scary site that would be. I have not left the apartment once in that 3 days. Tomorrow I do not care if I am not feeling well...I am breaking out of this joint! LOL I must or I will go insane. This weekend was rough on me emotionally. Got into an arguement with my boyfriend...through email....which really just sucks as a way of communicating for long distance. You can't hear tone or see body's just plain old hard. But we ended up IM'ing each other and talking it out once again. This long distance thing is very much wearing on my nerves....I love him so....I just want to be with him....but I commited to this trip. I just am finding it harder emotionally than I thought it would be. I got to IM Jennifer today. She always makes me laugh and I feel so much better after talking to her...It is a joy to be her friend! I am hoping that this coming weekend I can do some sightseeing in Istanbul. I will make Goktan or someone take me! I need to explore!