Istanbul here I come....

I am going to Turkey at the end of this month to visit my sister. Last minute deal but I am very excited! This time I will have my own camera! When I went last time, my camera died right before we got on the plane to leave. I wanted to cry. I made my brother in law take all kinds of pictures for me, but it still isn't the same. And this time I will be getting pictures of Istanbul. I keep telling my little sister that she needs to take pics of her office and house so the family can see it all. She even bought a camera here in Las Vegas....ummmm has she posted to her blog any photos from that great little camera??? Ummmmm that would be a NO. LOL...Sammy you have been called out.... I don't know if I will be able to post while in Turkey but I will try.


How exciting!!! Do take pictures and post when you can!!!!
Amy Huff said…
You're going to have such a fabulous time! Turkey is on my list of places to visit so I can't wait to here all about it.
Judy said…
Wow - How fabulous, I love Turkey especially the Bazzar.
Have a wonderful time.
Sam I Am said…
wow...i cant wait to see your pics!!! have FUN FUN FUN :) :) :)
Jen Crossley said…
Have a wonderful time Cindy,hope you have a safe journey