Have you ever taken the road less traveled? I did recently and during it, I began to remember the things that are important in life. And just because it is a road less taken by you doesn't mean it's a road less taken by others. This is their main road and they take it every day. So what life is really all about is trying new things and going for what you want out of life. Here is a little bit of what I discovered when I took my journey down the road less traveled.
I remembered how much I love the sound of the wind thru the trees. How much I enjoy listening to it. Seeing it. Feeling it....there is nothing like it. And if you look and listen closely the trees may share something with you....
I remembered that some things are worth the struggle. That if you keep moving in the direction that you want to go, eventually when you look back, you will see how far you have come and be amazed at the view.I remembered that sometimes, when you don't think that you can take any more and you have reached your limits...that there is beauty in the breaking because you open yourself up to being filled with something new...I remembered that there is beauty in all kinds of things if we are just open to seeing it.I remembered that no matter how dark the clouds may seem, there is always light shining through...if you just look for it....And I was reminded that you have to pay attention, because if you judge to quickly, you might just miss all that someone has to offer....
So I think that I will be taking the road less traveled more often...because I like what I see when I do, I like how I feel when I do and because it makes me pay attention to the small things in life that can make such a big difference...
I remembered how much I love the sound of the wind thru the trees. How much I enjoy listening to it. Seeing it. Feeling it....there is nothing like it. And if you look and listen closely the trees may share something with you....
I remembered how much I love streams and rivers. They also teach you a lesson if your willing to pay attention...that no matter what obstacles are in the way...there is always a way around them...you just have to be willing to take a slight detour...I remembered how much I enjoy meeting the locals. Small towns are always so quaint. You might even run into the mayor.Oh and you will see the regular town folk...and some of them talk way more than others...Now some of them mind you may seem at bit different, but if you take the time to get to know them...they might just have an interesting story. And if you stick around long enough, they might warm up to you....
and they may even introduce you to their friends And then again....some of them are just plain...well I will be nice...I mean...come on people who hangs a teddy bear next to a clove of garlic????
and they may even introduce you to their friends And then again....some of them are just plain...well I will be nice...I mean...come on people who hangs a teddy bear next to a clove of garlic????
So I think that I will be taking the road less traveled more often...because I like what I see when I do, I like how I feel when I do and because it makes me pay attention to the small things in life that can make such a big difference...