Blog Giveaway

Below is a picture of one of my flowers. I will be giving away one that is similar to this one as no 2 are completely alike. All you have to do is look at the first picture of the tress from my "Have you ever..." post and comment on what you thought the trees were sharing with me. There is something very specific that I saw so lets see how many of you can see it too. I will pick the winner of the flower when I get back from Aruba on Nov you have plenty of time to make your comments. Good luck!


Kim Mailhot said…
I see the heart shape in between the branches. What a beautiful gift you received.

Believe it or not, a very similar thing happened to me one day this fall. I was driving my car down a hill and looked up at the two big trees that met over the road and saw that the hole between their leafy branches was heart-shaped. I couldn't take a picture but did step on the brakes a little to keep the "photo" in my mind. I went back down that road a week later and the leaves had fallen from the two trees. No more heart...I felt like it had been the wink from the universe just for me, a reminder to love all things, and to remember that I am lovable.

Paying attention to small things has saved my life on many a day. I so agree with your choice to take that road more often. Maybe I will see you there sometime...;-)

Bon Voyage !
Anonymous said…
yes i saw the ''heart you'' (before i saw the first comment)isnt it amazing that nature presents itself just for YOU at these special times. i was walking on one of my favorite beaches where the beach is wide and the clouds are oh so white ..and there it was a heart in the cloud.. AND i had my camera... so i have my special Angel cloud ... with no digital enhancement,,, the real thing. CaroleXXOO
Laurel said…
I also immediately saw the heart in the middle. Coincidentally, I just created a page with something similar for a collaborative piece, and posted it today!
Great minds think alike!
Irish3 said…
First thing I saw was a heart right in the middle of the picture and the second thought that came to mind was the peacefulness of the area. Reminds me a little of the farm my mom grew up on and makes me want to go back for a visit!!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for offering a surprise give-away, that's very sweet. I hope you have a beautiful time in Aruba and come back feeling full up on all the good stuff.
Lisa Gallup said…
The heart in the sky between the trees is amazing! I think things like that are definitely signs that we should pay attention to! Enjoy Aruba!!
Anonymous said…
OK, so I'm Ed, the picture was taken in my backyard and I will admit that I didn't see the heart until Cindy showed me. I guess I'm just a guy after all.
Anonymous said…
looks like you were following and listening to your heart........
Jen Crossley said…
I see the heart shining through like a sign listen to your heart Cindy,and the clear blue sky behind smooth sailing ahead
Lynn said…
I saw the heart too......and if there is a E or a C anywhere, Cindy will take a picture of that too...LOL
The heart will shine. It pays to have a camera with you at all times I say. Great photo. Hope you enjoy your time in Aruba.
Anonymous said…
The first thing I saw was a "heart"
and then thought of the beauty of all things in nature and all seasons.
Anonymous said…
I must admit... I did not see the heart until it was pointed out. I saw 2 stately trees that were as different as night and day, yet both were equally magnificent.
Jamie said…
What a wonderful photo! I see the heart but I also look at this as two different trees standing tall -together! What a wonderful image. And how important it is for us to stop and really notice what is right in front of us. And I adore your giveaway flower.
Anonymous said…
At first the left side branches of the far right tree looked like a mother's arms reaching out to her child, then I saw the heart.
pam q said…
OK, I did not see the heart until it was pointed out. I was too busy looking at the tops of the trees thinking about yesterday when I went outside & our huge pines were being blown around like crazy in the wind. The tops of the trees were doing a wild dance, yet the trunks were so still, roots firmly in the ground. How do they do that? There just has to be some lesson there. I need to think about that for awhile...