What it feels like to be 43!

So this morning, I was awoken from my sleep by a phone call wishing me a happy birthday. I was told, that I should remember this day as a special day and remember it.....so I could tell HIM what it felt like to turn 43! LOL...such a jerk! He made me laugh. So I decided that I would blog about my 43rd Birthday so that I will remember it when he turns 43. The bad thing about that is...I will be 46 then! LOL So here it goes...This was my day...

Here is what 17 looks like....17 years ago today, I received the best birthday present ever. Megan and I are lucky to share the same birthday. It's special to us and we enjoy it. She has turned into a beautiful young woman, both inside and out. How fortunate am I to have a daughter that I also consider my friend.

The sun was shining

The temperature was wonderful
And the traffic was moving...
Here was my breakfast...this coke was for you Ed! LOL
Then I arrived at work...
and opened the door...
I had a ton of balloons and I could barely walk in without stepping on them. Then we decided to put some of that caution tape on Jen's door as it is need if you are gonna talk to her before 10am.
Don't let her little pouty face fool you...there is a reason no one talks to her before 10am. TRUST me! LOL Love ya Jen!

I worked till lunch and then Jen and I had a business lunch with the ladies from McCarthy Construction. We went to the Elephant Bar at the District in Green Valley. It was yummy.
Then we had to make a short pit stop at Anthropology for Jen...and while we were there...I had some fun
I left my mark all over the store. LOL...I wonder if people will notice all the little C's & E's together...LOL Then we came back to the office. We then had cupcakes. Of course I chose the red one. Hmmmm I wonder why??
Then the most beautiful flowers arrived...from the most wonderful man I know...

Then I came home and we went out for a Birthday dinner. All & all it was a pretty damn good day. Life is good...


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday!! It sounds like it was a great day. Aren't flowers wonderful....they make me happy just looking at them.
Shelly said…
I am glad you had a great day. You deserve it!
HappyDayArt! said…
Happy Birthday you sweet, smart woman! May the ones that come after this be even better!

xo Catherine
StaroftheEast said…
Happy birthday to you and your lovely daughter!!!
Looks like you've had a great day!
And I have an award for you:
XUE said…
Happy Birthday greetings from Tokyo! We're close in our ages & my bd is also in September. I have a daughter but she's much younger at 8 (& a son going on 11). We were in LV just this summer! Congratulations on yr award too!
Judy said…
happy belated birthday you spring chicken.
Kerri Jean said…
Happy Birthday Cindy! Your blog post has the enthusiasm of a school girl!! Your year is off to a wonderful start. Enjoy!
Sam I Am said…
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
love all of your pictures! the cupcakes is the yummiest.. love all the 'c' & 'e's ..hehehe
and your daughter is adorable :)