And I know that I will be ok...that what has happened in my life has happened for a it fate, call it destiny, call it luck whatever you would like...but love has walked, into my life again. A love that at time seems so unreal because it is so easy, so natural....It's like only something you see in the movies. Here is my tale...
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, a young woman named Cindy and a young man named Ed, met and became best friends. They could talk about anything, they laughed all the time, they helped each other through the good and the bad times. They were friends for almost 3 years before that fateful Halloween night when they became more than friends. These 2 lovebirds seemed like they were destined to be together, but somehow, through misunderstandings and such, they grew apart and went their separate ways. Over the years, Cindy thought about him and wondered how he was and where he was. How could she ever forget him as he was her best friend for so many years. But she was married and so was he. She knew this because she had emailed his father at one point trying to find out about him. 18 years has passed and her life was in a shambles. Her 16 1/2 year marriage, over in the blink of an eye. She couldn't understand it, but had learned to have faith, that everything happens for a reason. One day...during her lunch break, she sat at her computer and browsed thru the 20/20 TV show web site and happened upon an article whose headline caught her eye. When she saw the name, her heart jumped. It was an article about Ed's father and how he had passed away in a tragic event. Could this really be him? She had to find out...she felt compelled to find him and tell him how sorry she was for him. So she went searching on the Internet for his phone number. (Gotta love the information highway!) She knew his age and birthday so it wasn't to hard to find. She debated whether to call or not, but then just decided, to make the call. A woman answered the phone. Cindy asked to speak to Ed. The woman, said "I'm sorry, he doesn't live here any more." Cindy then asked, "Can you tell me if this is the Ed that used to live in Plattsburgh NY?" And she said "yes." "May I ask who is calling." And Cindy told her she was an old friend, and she told her why she was calling. Ed's ex wife told Cindy the whole tragic story and continued to talk for about 20 minutes about their life and how they were still friends and on good terms. She then asked Cindy, if she could ask her a question. Cindy, knew the question that was coming. "Did you ever date Ed?" Cindy sighed and said "yes." And then the woman said..."you're THAT will always have a special place in his heart"....and then she preceded to give Cindy, Ed's cell phone number. So there Cindy sat... amazed at just what happened... Now she had his number... should she call? Would he want to talk to her? She struggled all afternoon debating... Finally when she left work she sat in her car and dialed the number... He answered....
Fast forward...2 months later...Cindy and Ed have now seen each other a few times as it is hard when you live 2500 miles apart, but they have talked for hours and hours on the phone and it is like time has not even past. He told her that he has always loved her and that she had broken his heart many years ago... She has told him that she now realizes what the important things in life are and that he is everything she is looking for. Their friendship is stronger than ever and so is their love....
The moral of my story is that it's always darkest before the dawn. Everyday is a new day...the sun will rise and shine again, so look for the signs...follow you heart and your can lead you to great things if you are only willing to see them...
So glad your hope and faith came to fruition and thanks for the reminder !
Cheers to love !
Kari x
Your life is blossoming, and I am so very happy for you.
Take Care,
Melissa M