Art & Soul Virginia 2009

Well here is my fantastic news that I have been holding onto, but since it is now up on the website I guess I can spill the beans here. I will be teaching how to make my flowers at Art & Soul in Virginia 2009! Yeah! I am so excited! I can't even believe that I was accepted (spelling corrected courtesy of my sister Lynn, LOL) but I have been and I am so grateful. What a great experience this will be! Hope to see you there!


Kelly Boyd said…
Very Cool Cin~CONGRATS!!
Amy Huff said…
That's awesome! I am really happy for you.
Kate Robertson said…

That is so awesome, i am so happy for you.

Jen Gabaldon said…
I just saw the Art & Soul site, I was so excited I even made Mike come upstairs to look too! I always knew you would make are big time now!!!!
Kerri Jean said…
You go girl!! I have no idea what the coming year holds in store for me, but if I can be there, I will. I'd love to take your class!!!
Anonymous said…
I just saw you on A & S. Good for You!! With the new/old friend too! What a roller coaster you are on....ride it girl, ride it. Hands way up in the air, squealin' all the way down.
Lynn said…
Happy Birthday! My dear Sister! Kudos on A & S...I always knew you were special!
Rella said…
Oh my goodness, girl!!! I am so excited for you. This is truly huge and wonderful. Congrats.
xo Rella
HappyDayArt! said…
CONGRATULATIONS CINDY! Things are moving pretty fast now! Enjoy your success, a gift from the universe!

xo Catherine