Oh the tangled webs...

Blogland is a funny thing. You can make friends with people who are 100's and even 1000's of miles away, but there can also be meanness and cruelness out there too. I have seen recently a witch hunt against one artist, that just seems so overboard and unjustified. One person in particular, seemed to have a bitterness in their heart that has obviously been there for awhile. Jen even read their comment and said...oh that makes me not want to buy their book. Every artist will be copied or have someone use the same techniques as another. Unless the exact materials are used, then it isn't a copy as far as I am concerned. If I make a recipe using an old recipe but add a few different ingredients then it's a different recipe. Like my cherry necklace. Deryn Mentock made those leaves first and I used them in that piece, but that piece looks nothing like anything she has done. Am I stealing? I don't think so. I hope she doesn't think I am. That is why we take classes. To learn techniques. I recently submitted a proposal to teach the flowers that I make. I know, that if I teach that then someone is going to use it to make them and sell their craft. I made a conscious decision that I was ok with that. I am ready to move beyond the flowers onto something new. I will come up with something different and creative and me. That is what art is. You put a piece of yourself in it. And if you look around the world it is no different. You have the Camero and the Firebird. You have McDonald's and you have a Burger King. You have Best Buy and Circuit City. You have Nike and Reebok. Look in the grocery stores. Think brand name and the store brand. Why do people buy a Louis Vuitton (Jen) and not the bag at target that looks like it? It's all about the name. If you can get people interested in you, they will buy your art because they like you and something about it makes them feel connected to you in some way or speaks to them in some way. Just my 2 cents for today. And, I won't be buying any more of the bitter artists' books as I would be afraid I will get sued for using a technique that was in the book! Hmmmm Isn't that the point of selling books? To share your technique?


Rella said…
Amen. I can think of so many talented people out there who are of generous spirit with their teaching and sharing......and they receive back what they give and more.

xo Rella
Amy Huff said…
For the most part, I feel like everyone is incredibly generous and supportive but there have been a few instances where I've been incredulous at how mean spirited and bitter people can be. It's kind of crazy.
Irish3 said…
This post reminded me of bad feelings I had after I made some really cool ATC's with a specific design and sent a couple out as RAK's. 3 days later I saw a woman in my group was using pretty much the same exact design on charms she was selling on Etsy. My reaction was to get mad and complain to my kids and husband. I know it's a free market kind of place and I agree with your thoughts on the matter in a logical way, but when I saw those items in her store I was pretty upset in a non-reasonable strictly emotional way. So, as time passed I was glad I didn't ever say anything to her about it and just let it pass. My ideas are usually a mixture or a tweak on something that inspires me. I like your outlook as far as creating, sharing and moving on... (but I haven't sent that same woman anything else since and I probably won't ever!!)
Thanks for sharing.
Kerri Jean said…
Well said, and worth so much more than two cents, Cindy. I have always struggled with the idea that my art might look too much like another's because I used their technique, but just by virtue of the fact that it comes from my heart and hand and vision makes it mine, and I try to incorporate something new -- like your recipe analogy!! Of course, you have piqued my curiosity about who this author might be too....And I am soo excited that you have submitted a proposal to teach your flower pendants -- where? where???
HappyDayArt! said…
I'm with you. That was a sad day and one I hope I never see again. I respected your comment on that post.

Congratulations to you! I love your enthusiasm and don't stop reaching for the stars. I won't stop either.

xo Catherine
Babsarella said…
I like your take on this. I frequently worry about this same issue. I have had several times when I worked on a project, but did not post to my blog (due to lack of time to photograph), only to find another artist having a very similar idea at the same time and posting before me. If I post after, it might appear that I copied from them, yet that was not the case. Not that it was exactly the same anyway, but I just don't even want the appearance of copying. Ahhh the fine line we must walk...In the case where I am inspired, I do try to give credit to the inspiration, and I hope that will be good enough. In the case of a teacher, I think the teacher must realize that they are emparting their knowledge so that others can use it. If they want to keep their unique ideas secret, then they should not be teaching them. Of course this is not to be confused with design...which is a whole other ballgame.