Happy Blogaversary to me!

Using Rella's term, Blogaversary. The winner of my drawing is Kerri Posson! Megan drew her name out of a bag and she will be getting a custom flower. I haven't had time to make any but this weekend I will make the time. That is something that I have to do, I have realized just recently. Making time for art no matter what! If you want to be creative you have to do it often. If you want to be successful, you have to do it often. It's repetition, habit, etc.

Today was a strange day. Tried to sign up for Art & Soul and their server went down. It was too funny though cause I was in the middle of putting classes in my cart and the batteries in my mouse died! LOL Jen ran over to me with her mouse in hand and took the batteries out of hers so I could have mouse power! It was a riot. Me and my sister were emailing each other the classes as we got them in our carts, ok, I got this one, Ok, I got that one. LOL We were women possessed. But to our dismay, crash.... Ces't La Vie, right? If I don't get into a class it wasn't "meant to be". LOL But I tell you what...there are some pretty crabby women out there! I started reading all the negative comments on the Art & Soul yahoo group and I was like whoa....lighten up! So, tomorrow we shall try again.

I am thinking of hosting a fat book swap for Portland Art & Soul, but haven't decided yet. I have time to make up my mind after May is over with. The next 2 months are going to be a whirlwind of activity. Moving in April, going to class in April, going to my sisters at the beginning of May, going to Orlando for a work conference in the middle of May...crazy times.

Here are some little bits that I have bought to make a memory journal of my Portland 2008 Art & Soul experience. They will be on the spine of the journal. Cute huh?


Lynn said…
Do you have enough for me??? too???
Kerri Jean said…
Thanks again Cindy. I am so excited and honored to have one of your pieces. I will show it to everyone, and they will all want a Cindy Dean original!!
Hello Cindy ~
I found your blog from the Adornmentz group. Cute little bits for your memory journal. I too am going to Art and Soul. I am a local, live in Portland. have attended the last few years. Wasn't it crazy that we were able to crash the server. I am working on my trades for Portland. I am thinking on joining a Portland fat book swap, I love the theme this year.
Take Care,
Melissa M