This is what I woke up to this morning. 1 Comment on my last post:
Murdered? No Cindy, it was an accident that happened in her home. Get your facts straight!
Obviously, someone I work with has some underlying issues with me and feels the need to try and put me in my place but are to CHICKEN SHIT to leave their name. So here is my response the the person that told me to get my facts straight. Here is where I got my facts. Channel 13 News. Channel 8 News, Fox 5 News & the Las Vegas Review Journal. If you think I am wrong, then you need to get your facts straight. My blog is my space and I am allowed to write whatever feelings I have. So...tell the news channels to get their facts straight if you are so knowledgeable and if you make a comment on my blog telling me what to do then have enough guts to leave your name. None of this matters though...nothing can change the fact that she is gone and I am very saddened by these events.
Murdered? No Cindy, it was an accident that happened in her home. Get your facts straight!
Obviously, someone I work with has some underlying issues with me and feels the need to try and put me in my place but are to CHICKEN SHIT to leave their name. So here is my response the the person that told me to get my facts straight. Here is where I got my facts. Channel 13 News. Channel 8 News, Fox 5 News & the Las Vegas Review Journal. If you think I am wrong, then you need to get your facts straight. My blog is my space and I am allowed to write whatever feelings I have. So...tell the news channels to get their facts straight if you are so knowledgeable and if you make a comment on my blog telling me what to do then have enough guts to leave your name. None of this matters though...nothing can change the fact that she is gone and I am very saddened by these events.
xo Rella