Up at 1:39am

Here I sit at my computer at 1:39am. I am miserable, I have a cold that is getting worse, I can't sleep even though I took NyQuil. I just kept tossing and turning and I felt bad for my poor hubby. I guess I should have just stayed home today (or actually yesterday now). I know that if I don't rest, I just get worse but I had things to do at work. I just started school on Monday night and I have school again tonight. I don't want to miss it but I can't do both while I am sick...no way Jose! What to do....what to do. My boss hates it when I am not at work....I dread the comments he makes when I am sick or I leave early for something. I know he is only joking around with me but I feel guilty when I am gone even if it's justified. I hate to let people down and that's what I feel like I do. So I guess I will stay up until I am totally exhausted and then see if I can fall asleep then. Isn't it funny how it always gets worse at nighttime...like it can sense the darkness come along and it slinks deep into your body making you feel 10 times worse than during the day.


lklight said…
Hope you feel better soon Cindy...I felt a little wonky this AM & immediately loaded up on airborne & C.
Isn't Judys work amazing? I just sit here, look at it all & drool. The time, energy & detail that she puts into everything that she does...it makes me feel very lazy!
Sam I Am said…
awwww cindy..i hope you managed to get some sleep.. and start to feel better!
im sending you some 'chicken soup' vibes..
Lynn said…
Cimmy, I hope you feel better soon........