As I was cleaning up my desk tonight, I was noticing certain things that always seem to make it out and around my desk no matter where I am living or how many times I move. So I decided to share these with everyone. I guess in a way,
possessions speak about who you are on some level. What do mine say about me? Well, lets see:
Here is one of my many many many bears, yet he is one of the few I have out. I used to collect bears and had them displayed all over my house. I have outgrown the decor with bears but I will always keep this one out. I love his outfit and his little barbell. He makes me smile when I look at him.
Here is my frog that sits on my photo printer on my desk. His crown has been broken many times from falls from various places, but I keep
gluing it back together. I just love my frog. My little sister and I have a thing for frogs!
LOL I won't go into details, but when we were little we used to find frogs and play with them all the time.
Books, I love books and magazines and reading. When I was little my grandmother would read these books to me:
Little Black Sambo and Peter Rabbit. Books have a way of taking you to a different time and place. I can read and get so wrapped up in the story that I feel like I am there. I guess that was my escape from reality. Especially during my teenage years when I would always be trying to hide from my father. Out of sight out of mind was our motto. Reading would keep me occupied for hours. Sometimes I would even go out my bedroom window to leave the house because if he saw you he would put you to work. I am not talking regular chores around the house, I am talking like here "Here's a shovel, go move this truck load of manure into the garden area" or "Here, move these 10 wood piles from this location to that location. My little sister hated when I read magazines because I would never play with her. She never understood it! Even to this day she hates when any of us sisters read magazines around her! LOL...Sorry Sammy....(That is our nickname for her)
Here is my evil eye that Sandy got me from Turkey. Way before I went there. It was a key chain, but it is hard to recognize it now. It has been worn down and abused. I don't want to get rid of it because I figure with all those evil eyes that are gone or missing, it must have saved me from quite a few evil things! So it sits in my desk drawer....lonely and every once in a while I will pull it out and look at it.
Next is my Alien pen. Isn't it the cutest thing? It's little
antenna on the top of it's head jiggles as you write. I feel silly when I use it. But that is me. Silly. I like odd things. I like to be different.
I found this next object at Home Goods store. I think it is supposed to hold a tea bag but I just loved it because it was Alice in Wonderland. So it sits on the shelf above my desk, gathering dust.
Then the final thing I will show is a
bracelet that was my grandmothers. It is old and it is broken but I love it so. It is horse themed and I have always been a horse lover.
As a little girl they were my passion. I would always be drawn to the horses. Anything to be around them. We lived next door once to a little pony named
Alphie. I would always find something to bring over to him. An apple, a carrot. Everyday. The people that owned him never really paid attention to him so I went into his pasture and cleaned out his little stall/cover. I did
alot of things for that little pony even though he wasn't mine. There is something about a horse. I love the smell of them. As
Jen would say "the sweet stench of horse".
LOL I love the noises they make. And how gentle they can be for being such a large animal. They have soul....just look into their eyes and you will see.
That is it for now. It tells you a little more about me. I leave you with a challenge...what do you have that says something about who you are? Post it on your blog and let the world know a little more about you.